It’s not a new thing, it’s been around for a number of years, but it’s new to me. Typing is a particularly difficult thing for me, even with the fancy SafeType keyboard. The nerve pain I have is worst on the right side of my body, radiating from the neck up into the head, down the shoulder into the arm, down the arm to the hand, and down the spine into the right leg. The left side is also painful, but not as much as the right side. Sensation on the right is also a little lower, which makes it easier to get hurt there if I’m not paying attention. It’s easy to overdo activity on the right, and the first indication I have is when the pain flares into overdrive and I’m unable to do anything.
So I got an additional keyboard, an Infogrip BAT chording keyboard, that lets me do all of my typing with my left hand if necessary. My tablet doesn’t take nearly as much effort on the right, so I can use the tablet for a long time without pain, but typing is far more difficult. This keyboard takes a bit of practice, to learn all of the chords to generate all of the letters, but it’s worth the time. It’s a lot less strain.Comic will be up later today or early tomorrow, watch this space!