I was inspired by all of the kind words of the commenters recently, and dredged up some energy to get this page put together. I’m still out here, but I’ve had a few shakeups. I hadn’t been feeling well for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Washtown
Wow, it has been one heck of a week! I was interviewed about the comic by Metanomics, and had a great time. The virtual interview took place in Second Life, and was archived for posterity. If you want to watch[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If anyone can’t figure out why Mac knows what’s going on, go back a couple of pages, and you’ll see that Jenny is talking in her sleep.
I would very much have liked to go to SPX this weekend down in Bethesda, but alas, such was not meant to be. Primus, I found out about it Far Too Late, as in two days prior. Secundus, being a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
She should know better than to say that phrase. It’s worse than “what’s the worst that could happen?” Say it, and something awful and painful happens immediately afterward.
Welcome to Jenny Everywhere’s Infinite! The entire story is called Quark Time, and the first volume is called Weak Interaction. We’re going to see some new and challenging theories regarding The Shifter, the basis of her existence, and the unanswered[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…