From all of me, to all of you, a very, Merry Christmas, a very Blessed Yule, a very Happy Hanukkah, and if I missed a holiday, just wedge it in the list and have a good one. I’m going to be a bit busy with family obligations this week, so I’m going to have to give you this nice holiday card instead of an update this week. But I’ll give you a six-frame page for the NEXT update, to make up for it a little.
I think you did miss one or two:
AIDS Awareness day/Rosa Parks day (Dec 1), International Day of Disabled Persons/National Roof-Over-Your Head day (Dec 3), St Nicholas Day (Dec 6), Pearl Harbor Day (Dec 7), Human Rights Day/Nobel Peace Prize award day (Dec 10), Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec 12), St. Lucia Day (Dec 13), National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (Dec 16), Wright Brother Day (Dec 17), Winter Solstice (Dec 22 this year, frequently Dec 21), Festivus (Dec 23), Boxing Day (Dec 26), Kwanza (Dec 26-Jan 1)
I may have skipped 9 other holy days, and uncounted other holidays that you hadn’t mentioned within the month of December, but that’s probably already more than you really wanted to know – by something like 17 days and 16 holidays.